Dr. Chase Kelly, DDS

Root Canals

Root Canals
How you may know if you need one?
“Will the root canal hurt, someone told me they hurt?”
What is a root canal?
Inside of a tooth there is a blood supply and a nerve. When that supply is cut off by trauma or the tooth is damaged by bacteria from a cavity or fracture for instance, the bacteria invades the little tunnel inside of the tooth and begins to populate into thousands of other bacterias. This infection exits the tooth through the tip of the root and sometimes shows up as a small or very large infection or “abscess” near the root tip.
We must clean out this infection and sterilize the inside of the tooth, and seal off this root tip so no new bacteria may enter. Although there is an estimated 5% chance that the bacteria returns after a root canal, most times the tooth being sterilized and sealed is enough to serve you for many more years and often times a lifetime.
Come in for a consultation and find out all about the best cosmetic dentist in Springfield. Let Dr. Kelly help you own your smile.