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Recovery after dental filling

How To Recover Faster After Your Dental Fillings Procedure?

A dental filling can help to restore damaged teeth back to their regular appearance and functionality as well as prevent further tooth decay. There are many materials you can choose from, such as composite fillings, porcelain fillings, gold fillings, etc. Our dentists at Kelly Dental will provide you with some oral care tips after you get dental fillings.

Tips To Follow After You Get Dental Fillings

Some things must not be done with your dental filling as you would with your natural teeth to prolong the lifespan of the dental filling or to avoid further dental problems. After placing your dental filling, your Springfield dentist would give you some instructions on the oral health practices that you must follow. Your favorite dentist in Springfield has listed some of them below.

Be Mindful Of What You Chew

If possible, avoid chewing with the side of your mouth that holds the temporary filling. After receiving the dental filling, you may feel numbness at the affected mouthpart. Ensure that you avoid chewing food on the numb side. If you do this, you may end up biting lips, cheeks, or tongue. But if you receive the dental filling on both sides of your mouth, you would have to wait till the anesthesia wears off before you attempt eating. More so, try as much as possible to avoid hard, sticky, or chewy foods for at least two weeks after the dental filling, especially if you’ve got a silver amalgam filling. If you are experiencing excessive teeth sensitivity after the filling, you may need to avoid taking too hot or too cold foods and drinks.

Avoid Biting Too Hard On Any Object

Make sure that you don’t bite too hard on any object. Biting too hard with your teeth can damage the dental fillings. The dental filling can only handle slight pressure. Besides, the larger the filling, the weaker it is. So, ensure that you take your bite gently with the filled tooth to preserve your dental filling.

Be Gentle When You Brush and Floss

After your dental filling procedure, it’s absolutely fine to brush your teeth and you don’t need to even wait. However, you may need to be careful not to brush the filled tooth the same way you brush your natural teeth. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush, and brush the filled tooth gently, but carefully. You also need to be careful when flossing. For instance, if your dental filling extends to the edge of your tooth, instead of pulling up to remove the floss from in-between your teeth, you would need to pull it out the side to prevent the floss from ripping off the filling and pulling it out. You can also consult your dentist in Springfield for the correct brushing technique.

Avoid Grinding Your Teeth

If you are in the habit of grinding your teeth, an abnormal dental condition known as bruxism, you may end up cracking and chipping off your new dental fillings as well as wearing down the surfaces of your teeth. To learn about other useful tips consult one of our dentists in Springfield today.

What to Eat After Dental Filling

The type of food you eat depends on the type of material used for your filling. For instance, white dental filling that is made up of composite fillings hardens immediately when cured with blue light. Thus, you will be able to eat and drink immediately after the filling procedure. But, metal fillings do not harden instantly, so you may have to wait for about 24 hours after the procedure before eating any solid food. You need to wait till the effect of your sedative wears off before you eat so that you can avoid biting your lips, tongue, or cheek.
We hope this information helps you to recover faster after your dental filling procedure. Book an appointment with us at Kelly Dental if you are looking for the best dental fillings in Springfield, MO.